390 Sunday practices, 2 trips to Euskal Herria, 9 Trailing of the Sheep Festivals, 2 group camping trips (which was plenty), 1 trip to Washington DC, 2 Winnemucca festivals, 2 Elko festivals, 1 Seattle Folklife festival, too many Gooding festivals, 10 Homedale winter and summer festivals, 2 Jaialdis, 3 NABO meetings, 100+ Chorizo booth shifts, 14,269 jotas... Where did the last 10 years go?
My Basque Identity: Kirk Mendive
Oinkaldi 2018
Lambpage 2018 Recap
Dancers Abroad: Auckland Edition
I have this theory. Every time I have ever heard a Basque person sing, whether it be at a concert, on the radio, at a random bar in the middle of a tiny town, or my Amuma’s kitchen, the voice is always good… I would also like to extend my theory to include the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand.